
澳門大學曹光彪書院於2018年9月20號晚與澳門法學協進會一同合辦了「MASTER DINNER X 趣談基本法」。此活動為紀念澳門特別行政區的基本法頒佈二十五週年,特別邀請了中聯辦社團聯絡部(法律工作部)李雪飛部長,社會工作部趙奎偉副部長,社會工作部彭子陽副處長級助理,澳門法學協進會會長李煥江先生,澳門法學協進會副會長寥志漢先生及其他貴賓出席活動。主辦方更特別邀請了澳門法學院的蔣朝陽教授和中山大學粵港澳發展研究院的王禹教授為書院的學生以及嘉賓們介紹及討論澳門基本法實施中的問題。有超過100名的書院生參與此次活動。

蔣朝陽教授以「港澳臺居民居住証申領發放辦法」爲題,討論新政給港澳居民帶來的便利。王禹教授則主要介紹了基本法的法律地位,特徵以及它體現的“一國兩制”重要宗旨。隨後,同學們也踴躍地向講者們發問了他們對基本法的疑問,而講者們也十分有耐心的為他們一一解答。通過這MASTER DINNER 曹光彪書院的同學們獲益良多,對基本法有更深入的瞭解。

In the evening of the 20th of September, 2018, Chao Kuang Pio College (CKPC) of the University of Macao jointly hosted “MASTER DINNER X 趣談基本法” with the Association of Macau Judicial Promotion (APJM). Mr. Li Xuefei, the Minister of the Association Liaison Department,  Mr.Zhao Kuiwei, the vice Minister of the Social Affairs Department, Mr. Peng Ziyang, the vice Commissioner of the Social Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government (LOCPG), Mr. Lei Wun Kong, president of APJM, Mr. Lio Chi Hon, vice president of APJM and other honourable guests were invited to attend this event. This event aimed to promote the Basic Law of Macao and to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Basic Law of the Special Administrative Region of Macao. To celebrate this special event the organizers invited Professor Jiang Chao Yang, Faculty of Law of the University of Macao and Professor Wang Yu, the Institute of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Development Studies, Sun Yet-sen University as speakers and to discuss issues in the implementation of Macau Basic Law with the guests and the students. More than 100 CKPC resident students were attracted to participate in the event.

Prof. Jiang Chao Yang gave his speech on the new Regulations for Application of Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents, discussed the benefit that new policies create for the residents of Hong Kong and Macau. Prof. Wang Yu introduced the Basic Law of Macao, including its legal significance and the importance of the principle of “one country, two systems”. These two speeches had broaden the students’ horizons, and deepened their understanding on the importance of the Basic Law of Macao as well as its relevance with our daily life. There were enthusiastic interaction between speakers and audience.